Monday 25 December 2017


                   DEFINITION OF FOOD
Food can be defined as any substance of plant or animal origin that is taken in to provide nutritional support to the body. On this basis, we may say that without food, there will be no nutrition and without nutrition, the body's immunity will break down leading to outbreak of various diseases. It is therefore essential that we not only eat food but a well balanced meal so that we can live an active and healthy life.
 For instance, someone who consumes only starch every day (e.g rice) might end up having nutritional defence leading to malnutrition ( an abnormal condition caused by feeding on low nutrient food or foods of low ration or even on too much food that don't have enough nutrient needed by the body). On this note, noodles is considered a junk food (foods with high calories ranging from carbohydrate, protein to little amount of fibre,  vitamins and minerals). They have low nutritional values and so should not be eaten continually.

                FUNCTIONS OF FOOD
1. They provide oxidative energy
2. They help in repairing of body tissues and conducting body processes
3. They help in providing supportive and protective structures in the body.

Food can be classified based on
1. There ph
2. There chemical composition or nature
3. Perishability
4. Origin etc
                          PH CLASSIFICATION 
 Based on pH scale foods can be classified into the following
 1. High acidic foods: this are foods below pH scale of 3.5 They are considered to be highly acidic. Example includes the juice we get from fruits such as orange juice, Apple juice etc
2. Medium acidic foods: this are foods with pH scale ranging between 3.5-4.5. Example is the fruits we take
3. Acidic foods: this are foods ranging from 4.5-5.0. They include soup, vegetables etc
4. Low acidic foods: this are foods above 5.0. They include meat, fruity vegetables etc.

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